by 4rgdesign | Dec 3, 2024 | Newsletter
Being asked to be the Executor of someone’s estate is a significant responsibility, often coming at a very sad time if that person is a family member. The responsibility is not something which should be taken on lightly. The estate administration process can sometimes...
by 4rgdesign | Dec 3, 2024 | Newsletter
We have written before about the new trust reporting rules that were enacted by Parliament in December 2022, and which first apply for the 2023 tax year.The first reporting under these rules is required by April 2, 2024. (The deadline is 90 days after year-end....
by 4rgdesign | Dec 3, 2024 | Newsletter
Estate planning is an important consideration for all individuals, irrespective of their level of wealth. Poor planning, or no planning, can result in an excessive proportion of your estate being lost when you die, in the form of either probate fees or taxes, or...
by 4rgdesign | Dec 3, 2024 | Newsletter
The Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption (LCGE) is an incredibly valuable tax exemption. Every individual is entitled to this exemption and it currently (for 2023) can exempt a gain of up to $971,190 (the amount is indexed to inflation each year).In Ontario for example,...
by 4rgdesign | Nov 20, 2020 | Newsletter
Since the pandemic began early in 2020, and especially after many non-essential businesses were required to close temporarily as a public health measure, the federal government has brought forward a broad range of financial relief programs for both individuals and...